Family Bike Tour



 –  – 


4 Giorni




Min: 1 – Max: 18


a partire da € 580,00

Prossime date

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Hotel Royal


Casabianca di Fermo

Cos’è incluso

  • Trattamento 1/2 pensione
  • Prima colazione a buffet
  • Navetta attrezzata durante il tour
  • Cene tipica con bevande incluse
  • Visite a cantine e frantoi
  • 3 itinerari in bici
  • Bike Room
  • Guide Ciclistiche
  • Lavatrice asciugatrice per panni sportivi

Cosa non è incluso

  • Trasferimenti Aeroporto/hotel andata e ritorno
  • Noleggio bike e attrezzature
  • Assistenza medica specifica
  • Consulenze mediche e fisioterapiche
  • Book fotografico del ciclista

Equipaggiamento ed attrezzature

  • Bici da corsa, MBT, o city Bike, in mancanza è previsto il noleggio
  • Abbigliamento ciclistico corto e lungo
  • Giacchetta anti vento
  • Cappellino leggero e lana
  • Scarpe per bici strada o MTB
  • Casco, obbligatorio
  • Due borracce
  • Kit antiforature
  • Piccola farmacia personale
  • Occhiali sportivi
  • Guantina da bici


Il pranzo generalmente verrà consumato presso ristoranti o osterie sul percorso Cicloturistico, talvolta può capitare che il pranzo si potrà consumare all’aperto e in quel caso l’organizzazione provvederà a consegnare ad ogni partecipante un cestino di prodotti caserecci del luogo da consumare al sacco.

Sicurezza stradale

L’Organizzazione si appella alla responsabilità di ogni partecipante nell’uso della propria bicicletta al fine di evitare incidenti a se stessi, agli altri e all’Organizzazione e quindi consigliamo vivamente di rispettare il Codice Stradale, usare sempre molta precauzione e indossare il casco.

Dichiarazione liberatoria di responsabilità

Scarica e compila





7 Days




Min: 1 – Max: 18


Next date

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Hotel Horizon



What is included

  • Accomodation in a bike-friendly hotel
  • Half board at the hotel
  • Equipped shuttle for the transfers
  • Technical-medical assistance

What is not included

  • Lunches or dinner, if not included in the half board
  • Transfers with equipped shuttle to a custom goal or out of the region
  • Transfers airport/hotel both ways
  • Bicycle and equipment rental
  • Specific medical assistance
  • Medical, phisiotherapic and nutritional consultancy
  • Cyclist photo feature

Bycicle and equipment

  • Racing bicycles, MBT, or city Bike. If you do not have, you can rent it from us
  • Cycling suits, both short and long
  • Windproof jacket
  • Both summer and winter hats
  • Shoes for road bicycles or MTB
  • Helmet, it is mandatory
  • Two canteens
  • Repairing kit for punctures
  • Small first-aid kit
  • Sport sunglasses
  • Bike gloves


We will generally have lunch at agreed restaurants and taverns during the tour. Sometimes we might have an open-air picnic; in that case Marche Bike Life will provide every participant with a pocket-lunch.

Road safety

Marche Bike Life is not responsible for the use that every participant will do of his bicycle. We warmly suggest you to respect the road code, to use always extra prudence and to wear your helmet.

Responsability release


It is beautiful to enjoy hamlets and old places belonging to the Marches, a fantastic region made of simple things, silence and slowness. A cycling tour characterised by the dialog between man and nature, where the cyclist discovers a natural territory which is still intact, full of green hills, verdant parks and old hamlets.


Day 1

Arrival, welcome to the hotel, technical briefing of the tour.

Day 2

Departure from Civitanova Marche. Following the cycling path of Porto Sant’Elpidio we reach the sea village of Porto San Giorgio. Then we go on with an easy climb to Torre di Palme, an amazing old hamlet with a wonderful view on the sea. Then we move through Borghi di Lapedona, Moresco with its magnificent castle and its narrow streets and we reach Monterubbiano, where we have a stop for having lunch in a peculiar and traditional inn. After lunch we take again our bicycles and bike to the beautiful and historical town of Fermo, Monte Urano, until we reach the old hamlet of Sant’Elpidio a Mare. Finally, we move back to Civitanova Marche, where we have dinner and stay overnight.

Day 3

Departure from the hotel in Civitanova Marche. We go towards Cascinare/Casette d’Ete with a short deviation for visiting the first Romanic Church. Then we pass by zona Brancadoro, Villa San Filippo, Corridonia, Petriolo, where a nice and pleasant climb down goes through a wood. We reach the Romanic/Gothic Abbey of Fiastra, which constitutes the most important religious building in the Marches. In this meditation place, we have a stop to have a pocket-lunch; also we get the chance to visit the entire abbey with a private guide. After the stop, the tour starts again, heading to Urbisaglia, Piediripa di Macerata, passing by San Claudio, where we can visit its peculiar church, situated in the archeological area of the Roman town of Pausulae; this church is one of the most ancient churchs of the Marches. Then we move on towards Morrovalle, Montecosaro, where we can visit the church of Santa Maria Piè di Chienti, a church probably belonging to the Longobardic age. From Montecosaro we head back to the hotel in Civitanova Marche. There we have dinner and stay overnight.

Day 4

Departure from Civitanova Marche. We take the cycling path that goes from South to North until we pass by Porto Potenza Picena, Porto Recanati and biking on the coast we reach Numana, Marcelli, Sirolo, where an easy climb up starts to lead us to the Monte Conero, a big and verdant mountain precipitous on the sea. After reaching the village of Poggio, we have a stop to taste a delectable lunch. Then we move towards the towns of Camerano, Osimo, Castelfidardo, Villa Musone, where we have the chance to admire the basilica of Loreto and its astonishing view from the parvis of the church. Then we head to the hotel in Civitanova, going through Chiarino and Potenza Picena. Back at the hotel, we have dinner and stay overnight.

Day 5

Transfer with the equipped shuttle from the hotel in Civitanova to the gorgeous town of Jesi, where art and culture take over. After biking through the most beautiful streets of Jesi, we move to Castelbellino, Moie di Maiolati Spontini, Cupramontana, where we stop at a famous winery to have lunch among barrels and bottles of exquisite wine. Then we bike to Serra San Quirico, Arcevia and its hills and castles, Serra dei Conti, Montecarotto. Finally, we head to Jesi, where we can rest a bit sipping a good tea in the beautiful main square of the town, waiting for the shuttle to pick us up. Back at the hotel in Civitanova Marche, we have dinner and stay overnight.

Day 6

Departure by train from the Civitanova Marche to Grottammare. After getting out of the train, we start biking towards Ripatransone, where an easy climb up take us to the top of the hill, on which the old hamlet of Offida is situated. There we have the chance to visit a famous winery. Then move on heading to the aristocratic and beautiful town of Ascoli Piceno and passing by Comunanza, Roccafluvione and their amazing hills. There we leave our bicycles in order to walk through the astonishing squares of Ascoli and its historical monuments. After having lunch, we head to San Benedetto del Tronto and its breath-taking promenade along the sea. There we take the train back to Civinatova Marche, where we have dinner and stay overnight.

Day 7

The entire day is dedicated to shopping with our equipped shuttle and to relaxing in our agreed wellness centers.

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